Selasa, 22 Mei 2012

The Master Gardener's Rosebud

He made roses red and violets blue,
The children God sends are his Rosebuds true.
First he chose two gardeners (that’s you – Mom and Dad),
To raise his Rosebuds weather times are good or bad. They need food and shelter but, this most of all,
Sunlight and pruning yet, love to grow tall.
God pairs male and female then plants his seed,
If twins (or more) he’ll meet your needs.
On arrival day Rosebud “POPS” through,
God, by his grace, leaves Rosebud with you.
He sends these “Blessings” to strengthen your love,
Back through Jesus you must lead them, to our father above.
If one gardener departs and leaves the "Blessings",
When God said "Two", he was not guessing.
He will comfort and guide you and help you seek,
Another "Gardener Partner", deserving and unique.
This mate of "Faith Love" will bring you new joys,
Now, together raise God's Rosebuds, be they girls or boys.
Someday God may come to take Rosebud away,
Be happy for Rosebud, for with Jesus they will stay.
So, "Love One Another", with the time you are given,
One day you'll see Rosebud, at "Christ's Garden" in heaven.
In "Robes of Pure White" you will all be dressed,
Find memories to share, you will all be blessed.
Pray For Your "Rosebuds" TODAY - - - (Tomorrow may be too late)

Author : Francis/ TYJ

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